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I have had a fascination with repeat pattern since a young age and studied how William Morris produced his designs whilst pouring over a light box with my designs for hours. I am never happier.

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Creating my own patterns, however simple or complex, adding foliage and plants to my growing collection was always on the cards. I have taken inspiration from all over the world. My Jungle, Folio and Hepta patterns stem from my time in Cape Town and the plants we used to pass each day on our way back to our home stay. Some of the patterns were inspired closer to home, from local front gardens to my in laws flowerbeds.

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Paperflower was inspired whilst on honeymoon in Corsica and seeing the billowing tendrils of Bougainvillea spilling over the edges of crumbling walls, their deep magenta singing out against the backdrops of rust, terracotta and white washed backgrounds. The memory of sitting beneath some and seeing the colour against the sparkling Mediterranean Sea will forever play in my mind.

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